left behind is our everything…

left behind is our everything…

on a trip to the mountains,two lovers sat on golden sand,holding on to each other,hand in hand,gazed at the mountains,the blue sky with fluffy white clouds,taken by the sound of water,in absolute silence,from morning until the sky was brushed,with golden, orange, and...
a moment of clarity but blurriness ahead

a moment of clarity but blurriness ahead

at times,life feels like total chaos,with goals and dreams slipping from my fingers,like water escaping my hands though i carefully and consciously try to contain it,taking small steps towards my destination,except, sometimes i don’t know the directions,which train...
Do you need anything baba?

Do you need anything baba?

Yadee (My Grandfather), his radio and my sister Noor. A few months ago, the news of my grandfather being admitted to the hospital hit my heart, sinking it into a state of absolute grief. Sometimes, I find my eyes watering as a flooded river during a storm remembering...
Innocence Lost: Christchurch

Innocence Lost: Christchurch

O Friday prayer, you come with so much hope and peace, to Muslims whom with love and peace themselves adorn, a blessed day for us, yet, on this one, we mourn, for all the innocent killed so meaningless, our hearts are shattered and torn, to all the families in their...
My Shiny Floor!

My Shiny Floor!

Art direction & photography by: Maryam Lary Art direction & photography by: Maryam Lary Art direction & photography by: Maryam Lary It’s the weekend. Well, technically not… I quit my job two days ago, after endless battles with my heart and brain...